How AI effects on our daily routines
Webinar How we can take advantage of the benefits of Artificial Intelligence in out daily routines? We can learn more about AI, in this informative Webinar in Persian. Monday 19/02/2024, at 8.00 p.m. Zoom Link:...
The Persian Nature Day Join us for the traditional Sizdah-be-dar celebration and participate in our potluck lunch at Halswell Quarry Park in Christchurch on Saturday, April 6th, starting at 10 am. The event will include dance, music, games, and more. 💢نوروز بدون سیزده...
Charshanbeh Suri 1403 (2024)
Join the Iranian for celebrating New year around the FIRE Tue 19 March 2024, 6:00 P.m. Location: Multicultural Recreation and Community Centre, 455 Hagley Avenue, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8011 #nowruz #persian_Newyear #Charshanbesuri Thanks all who...
Nowruz 2024
Persian New Year 1403 23 March 2024 – 5:30 p.m. Multicultural Centre (455 Hagley Avenue, Christchurch) Please Join us to celebrate Persian new year at Multicultural Centre in Christchurch and enjoy Music, Dance, Entertainment and foodRSVP now to secure your spot...